Antiquity (Satyr)

oil on canvas
108 x 84 inches
274.3 x 213.4 cm
© Jeff Koons

Antiquity (Satyr)


Antiquity (Satyr)

oil on canvas
108 x 84 inches
274.3 x 213.4 cm
© Jeff Koons


Jeff Koons: New Paintings and Sculpture. Gagosian Gallery, New York, New York [May 9 - June 29, 2013]


Koons, Jeff and Norman Rosenthal. Jeff Koons: Entretiens avec Norman Rosenthal. Hove, England: Thames & Hudson, 2014, p. 213 [French Edition].

Koons, Jeff and Norman Rosenthal. Jeff Koons: Conversations with Norman Rosenthal. China: Thames & Hudson, 2014, p. 213 [English Edition].

Gagosian Gallery. Jeff Koons: New Paintings and Sculpture. Exh. cat., Uckfield, England: Gagosian, 2014, inside front cover, pp. 36-37, 53, 55 (detail), 94.