Play-Doh (Version 1)


polychromed aluminum
123 x 151 x 137 inches
312.4 x 383.5 x 348 cm
© Jeff Koons
5 unique versions


Play-Doh (Version 1)


Plato Contemporary: Artists' Visions. The Getty Villa, Los Angeles, California [April 18 - September 3, 2018] (Version 5)

Jeff Koons: Now. Newport Street Gallery, London, England [May 18 - October 16, 2016] (Version 3)

Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York [June 27 - October 19, 2014] (Version 1)


Rothkopf, Scott [supervised by Bernard Blistène]. Jeff Koons: La Retrospective. Exhibition catalogue. France: Centre Pompidou, 2014, pp. 152, 157 (Version 1, not exhibited).

Moltisanto, Christophe. “L’atelier d’un obsédé de la perfection.” Beaux Arts Magazine December 2014, p. 42. 

Lavrador, Judicaël, “Jeff Koons: génie ou imposteur?” Beaux Arts Magazine November 2014, p. 139.

Polsinelli, Michael and Sasha Burkhanova. “The Words.” Garage Magazine Fall/Winter 2014, p. 88.

Kazakina, Katya. “Oversized $30 Million Koons Monkey Heads to Christie’s.” Bloomberg 02 October 2014.

Fujimori, Manami. “Jeff Koons.” YomiTime 18 July 2014.

Budick, Ariella. “Jeff Koons at the Whitney Museum.” Financial Times 4 July 2014.

Binet, Violaine. “King Koons.” Vogue Paris June/July 2014, p. 211 (rendering).

Cunningham, Bill. “Big Bloom.” The New York Times 29 June 2014.

Smith, Roberta. “Shapes of an Extroverted Life.” The New York Times 26 June 2014.

Murg, Stephanie. “Jeff Koons’ Technicolor takeover of the Whitney Museum.” Wallpaper 26 June 2014.

Saltz, Jerry. “Taking in Jeff Koons, Creator and Destroyer of Worlds.” New York 25 June 2014, p. 12, 100.

Friedlander, Ruthie. “Jeff Koons on 3D Printing, Selfies, and Cats.” Elle 25 June 2014.

Vogel, Carol. “Think Big. Build Big. Sell Big.” The New York Times 11 June 2014.

Crow, Thomas. “Jeff Koons: A Retrospecitve.” Artforum May 2014, pp. 318, 320.

Liu, Sonya. “Art that Goes Pop.” Kempinski 2013, pp. 26-27.

Botta, Carlotta Loverni. "Koons at the Fondation Beyeler." Vogue Italia 15 June 2012 (in online slideshow, not in hard copy).

Holzwarth, Hans Werner, ed. Jeff Koons. Cologne 2008, p. 410, illustrated in color (in progress).

Seward, Keith. "Frankenstein in Paradise." Parkett (no. 50/51) December 1997, p. 78, illustrated in color (maquette).